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Bold Actions
Life of Love

Let My Experience and Knowledge Attract The One You Want


Stop Chasing, Start Attracting


Now Is The Time To Achieve Your Goals




Inspired By The Gottman Institute 



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Let's Meet

I'm Sapphire, An Expert in Dating and Relationships

If you want to get your dream partner, you've come to the right place.

I'm an international dating and relationship mentor experienced with men and women alike.

My approach is bold, straight forward and honest combined with a lot of guidance, comfort and trust

We will work together through close, personal one-on-one meetings where you will receive an exact program specially designed for you by me, to fit your individual needs, desires, preferences, wishes, fears, concerns and your unique personality. Together, we will collaborate to help you build your self-confidence, sex appeal and conversational/social skills while making sure not to change who you are as a person.


My Services

Lets Create Your Journey To Happiness

  • Have you ever felt misunderstood in your relationship?

  • Have you ever felt insecure trying to start and keep a conversation?

  • Have you ever been in a relationship that made you feel worthless?


"Sapphire is amazing and I can't recommend her enough. She's intuitive, insightful and been extremely helpful. Goes above and beyond"

Bryan Wampler

"Sapphire is all in - 100% she is more than a dating coach she is a life coach as well. Her involvement in your dating life is amazing. Sapphire cares more than I imagined and is along for the complete ride. We do not recommend people lightly, but Sapphire has our utmost recommendation. You will be so pleased with the results!"

Michelle Arons

"I was able to be myself with Sapphire and able to re-create myself into the person that I wanted to be. I would offer Sapphire to anyone seeking love"

Dennis Ulibarri

For Life Changing Decisions

Get in Touch

789 W Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101  /  Tel. 858-413-4139

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